Longare: 0444 555021 | Quinto Vicentino: 0444 1455976
At our clinics, we have an orthoptist, a medical professional qualified to detect anomalies of binocular vision and ocular motility.
The Optometric Visual Analysis is an examination that can accurately detect the vision defect, identifying the most suitable corrective solution.
Contact lenses are a powerful alternative to eyeglasses and there is no age limit for their use.
Orthokeratological lenses are also called night-time lenses because they are applied the evening before bedtime and removed in the morning when waking up.
Multifunction Visual Training is a training that helps the user to improve their efficiency and their visual and mental well-being.
Controlling myopia is a public health problem as it is estimated that by 2050 about 50% of the population will be short-sighted.
At our clinics, we carry out the visual eye field examination without waiting times.
Corneal topography
At our clinics, we perform corneal topography without waiting times.
We are dedicated to low vision and fragile vision, supporting the user in identifying the most suitable visual aid for specific needs.