The Carmen Vision Care environments are the ideal working space to develop our many professional services.
Via Roma, 51 Longare (Vicenza)
from tuesday to saturday all-day 9:00 - 19:30
The welcome experience is oneof the fundamental elements of our philosophy, for this our style is based on a harmonious relationship of simple, functional, and aesthetically well-coordinated elements.
We have a large exhibition hall and advice on thechoice of glasses and lenses.
There are two fully equipped clinics for optometric orthotic visual analysis, contactology, and instrumental examinations. In addition,we have created a unique reality in the territory, that is a studio dedicated exclusively to visual training.
The integration of these realities represents our essence: the path of care in which we want to involve the customer who chooses us with trust and entrusts to us the precious task of taking care of their visual well-being.